I love this quote very much, "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." There's no absolute wrong and right in certain decision. Dissonance of opinions might happen all the time yet we still need to esteem each other and not by hurting each other with words. We cannot disparage others' achievement and their past success. We cannot make assumption and impose our thinking on others. It's totally not fair to the one that you slurred. We might not be able to gratify others' desires completely and might even disappoint each other, then what about we give each other chances to prove themselves and rectify their mistake to be a better person?
And of course, we never feel complacent about our achievement and we try to strike another goal followed by another. We brace every nerve for a supreme effort. Others might not be able to see, yet, we have tried our best and even faced our failure with valor. And as the time passes, we managed to vanquish our enemy - FAILURE. You cannot convict a man just with a single test. Censure and insult each other will not help. Perhaps just with a simple quote, "buck up", you'll be able to boost their spirit.
And i always remember this, treat people like what we expect to be treated, yet don't expect people to treat us like what we want.
And this song, EXEC_COSMOFLIPS, I wish God really will listen when I sing this hymn. XD
en na cyurio re chyet 即使我并未被命运选中
Was touwaka gaya presia accrroad ieeya 此刻恳求众神赐下希望
Nn num gagis knawa na lequera walasye 尽管知晓世人各有善恶
Was quel gagis presia accrroad ieeya whou wearequewie fogabe 我愿为祈求宽恕之人换来希望
Fou ki ra hyear presia reen 此刻恳求众神侧耳倾听
Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf 我并非要盗取您的神力
Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis 世间生命皆为独一无二的存在
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