好吧, 当作没事, 重新做朋友吧! Yeah!! 我有新朋友咯!! 哈哈!! 不用想他是真是假, 机会来了就把握!
Is tis really true?? I still cannt believe… Charwinth, u sure tat tis is not play play?? Reli true?? Or u rasuah Chia Woei?? U two betting 4 something and then he lost then the ‘prize’ is talking 2 me?? Suddenly, he talked 2 me… I was juz in daze!!! Is it dream?? My mouth open as big as I could… Till now, I still wondering… Is it true?? Who can punch me or ‘aluba’ me (jk only) 2 make sure tat tis is true??
Till now, oredi 8 months… Suddenly, I reli dunno wan 2 talk wat… I still scare, shy, n confused… Scare 2 talk, totally dunno wat 2 do, talk… While tt tcher is teaching Logic Gate, I still wondering & almost cant catch up, hav 2 copy Charwinth’s paper, very lau kui lo… Tcher even ask me why so slow de 2day?? ==’’
Till now, oredi 8 months… Suddenly, I reli dunno wan 2 talk wat… I still scare, shy, n confused… Scare 2 talk, totally dunno wat 2 do, talk… While tt tcher is teaching Logic Gate, I still wondering & almost cant catch up, hav 2 copy Charwinth’s paper, very lau kui lo… Tcher even ask me why so slow de 2day?? ==’’
是真的吗?? Is it true or juz play play, Charwinth?? 心里还是战战兢兢, 但是是很开心也很不可思议… 完全想不到… 龚老师的生日竟然奇迹般地发生这种事情… 现在很乱很乱, 不懂要怎样… 要Sms 讲一下咩?? Ps lox… 等下不是完全和好, 这真的是真的吗?? Who can tell me & confirm with me??
2day oso Mr. Kiing de birthday... Somehow or rather it was warm n touching coz he is indeed our gud gud gud tcher... We will never forget him... Actually the mask is cute n from monday, we will need 2 wear topeng too... Eeink's birthday is b4 Mr. Kiing... Maybe tat shirt not ngam u but u can wear it when u attend wedding party or wat de ma... U wear la, we wan 2 see the... Ya lo... No taking photo with Mr. Kiing, ur fault lox... Cannt blame anyone... I ask u 2 cum yet u hesitate n wait n wondering n lau kui-ing... See, no chance le lox... Lastly, Hapi Birthday 2 Eeink n Mr. Kiing