或许昨天不应该on9…或许昨天不应该修理…酱我就不会看到那些话…太伤人了!!哪里可以酱讲!!如果一定要讲到人家的刺, 你才开心, 我只会不屑你这种人的存在! 麻木了怎样讲随便你吧…
突然之间,变得sentimental掉… 可能雷达的frequency和wavelength一样,我成功地招蜂引蝶…(coz i’m a melancholic ppl ma…) 都是断了翅膀的蝴蝶…(放心,不是讲你…真的…上次没回你是电话没钱)但是,haiz… =_=””
家族遗传个put!!! “I oso hav such exp..” “Me too!!” blar blar blar… 重复了再重复.. 半年了,没事了, 真的没事了.半功倍我的预言成真了… 没当magician and wizard真是魔法界的损失啊!! XD 空气=空气..从暗色的iodine gas 现已成了无色,无味, 透明的CO2 gas. Once reach 空の境界, a brand new self is formed. Imagine… The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the clear, blue shy. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations.
Anyway, thx 2 tat ppl, I b cum a new me. Wawawa… 原来我有很多很多朋友.. 非常丰常satisfied with current のamigos, 也非常地enjoy现在的朋友.. 以前的scope太小了, 跳出筐筐,原来unlimited sky still waiting for me to reveal its true, heavenly paradise… Y every ppl likes 2 say i m ignorant, innocent, 幼稚勒?? (可能性, probability 0.8 ==) 现在我已经长大了…
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” [The life of reason, Volume 1:1905] from George Santayana…又不是第一次了, 就当是教训咯! Exp 100000000000. Xp So, u cannt defeat me using such a small matter .. Better “ brush” ur tongue using Clorox or I help u to bleach it. Dun be so arrogant, and haughty although u r born with a silver spoon in ur mouth!! My patience is exhausted & I am at the end of my tether! 算了, 要怎样讲随便你吧, there is no nid 4 me 2 explain on such negligible matter… U live in KL still bother here de things 4 wat?! Another famous skulz de student very 了不起咩?? 乱诽谤很厉害hor?? (不是讲你们, my dear frenz)
今天在学校比较emo 了… 是啦是啦… 我来哪个啦… 不够用跟你借啦… =.=” 你说得对啦… 我是recessive de… 多余的… tis one i reli noe.. trust me… 不用说的, 不是生气, 我知道该怎样做的, 我真的好小气哦…
***不要乱猜… (nt from our alma mater & current skulz de)