Tis Banana flower very nice hor, The flower actually looks like tis, Amazing...
九月的第一天,就在礼堂消耗掉了。明知道明天考试,但茶餐厅照开。马来人Puasa我们照吃。Hormat一下人家会死啊?鸡仔饼,可能不合我口味吧。买得人也是不怎么喜欢但又放不下面子,死都要讲好吃,自己拼命吃。另一个不懂叫什么suk的不错啦。不可以全部都讲坏的,等下有人讲我酱挑剔,下次不用吃怎办?!My comment, so-so lo, still gt lots of space 4 improvement… XD
拜一的灵异怪谈满成功的。一下“香蕉精”,一下“香蕉男人”,一下“公园”,一下“红线”。OMG!做么你们酱黄的??像我一下拉,纯洁几好。。。 == 一开始,PG only, 不到几秒,18SX了。。越加越多,“没穿衣!”,“公园晚上很冷!(有exp的才懂)”,“红线绑脚,针插花朵那边。”。。奇怪,香蕉树的anther在那里??如果ovary or ovule的话,香蕉精出来,酱stella香蕉男人勒??没有穿衣的噢!全部在淫笑,笑最大声的只有一个,坐卧前面的那个陌生人。。。
Vivi, u admit urself as 香蕉精 level 3 (beginner), cannt absorb so many “mana” yet ur partner, KS still so tired de?? Recycle de is like tis de la… Has to regenerate n recycle then only can carry out de ma.. == 休息是为了走更远的路,then only some ppl can b “猛”again de, haha…(Stella, dun b happy, ur 香蕉男人will still luv u 4ever de) But I dunno the quality of recycled one la… Oh ya, Ks wan King coil mattress, vivi… emm.. beginner use tikar can le la, Stella… 对咯,带回家“坐”下来喝茶。。。XD
还是很怕。。子恒,si jing, jijini, woon sin all studi wor… Very industrious… Zero-kun even do sej exe and so our chyun… Reli admire them… Hw they can focus in such riotous “party”… Oh ya, only we r partying while others r studing… Add math reli no eye c le yet still pass… After percubaan, the treat.. Yes!! I sure win, he cannt finish sej 6 chaps in one day, giv a treat after SPM when going out or bur me Fatal Frame 2!!愿赌服输。。。Be like a man, dude… Mina-san,加油!!!!