Ready for your next station in life?

Hopefully u all understand...

Long time no write blog le… Haiz… My opening stolen by my otosan le… Dunno Y my com & his comp rosak on the same day, repair on the same day, take back on the same day… But he spent RM30 for me, RM50… Haiz… Reformat… Luckily my anime in drive E… XD

2day no mood a… reli… Haiz… Sori a.. Mood swing… Haha… Wawawa… I m so brave… Dun wan 2 bother u all even u all talk… Even Hern said gud bye I even juz turned my head & get on the car… Sori a… Surprised tat I dun scare u all will juz ignore me & juz like some ppl… I nt scare coz I noe u all noe me quite well n are considerate… C… I evevn praised u all… Oh ya, thx woon sin 4 sincere support & willing 2 talk 2 me…

2day de add math gempur I m very very very sure tat I will died n maybe failed… If nt failed, I will giv u all a treat… U all noe hw 2 do n keep on talk tat talk tis, discuss tis n tat until I cannt understand… I even dunno hw 2 do the function… Suddenly feel so depress n juz like a great failure… Then totally no mood le… Then when all the things cum 2gether, ma ai, no nid think le… I wanna go home… Emm… Nt that matter, hern, coz I 4get le… No longer a problem…

U all hor… Talking things behid e a… Say I m so tired is tat matter a?? =.=”” Lol very funny hor?? I juz a timer, record the time taken for the exp, witnessed the procedure & ensure tat Mr. W & Miss. V followed the precaution… They XXXXXXXXX (18SX) until 2am plus plus rite?? Ks gt said something like CLIMAX rite 2day morning?? Ya ya ya… See, Vivi nt entered the wrong room… Material still material… Beware!! I wan 2 take revenge de… 2moro u see urs one still can recycle or nt!! Dare 2 say me wor…

Exam exam exam… Seeing u all so industrious le, I think is time 4 me 2 studi le… No more game, PS2, valkyrie profile, Ar tonelico 2, Fatal frame, n blar blar blar… Percubaan le, reli important 4 us… But nt Stella (A level) n KS (STPM- a course 4 very clever boy with genius memory & “CUTE” appearance, rite?? ( I think I reli will b in jigoku le ba… T.T)) Anyway, all the best 4 all Form 5 students!! Jia You!! Let us battle 2gether!! Tis is the last year, dude!!

Lau kui Lau kui Lau kui

Lau kui lau kui lau kui… Everyday lau kui de… 2day, we all wear masks… Lau kui… Wear the mask correct le NVM but then dun noe who say, we all change & nw wear the opposite way, lau kui… Moral period, boys all lose 2 gals, lau kui… Even I oso nvr studi… Haiz… Zero oso lau kui, wear le like maniac ham sep doctor...

Bi period, tcher say my vocab very lan, lau kui… only 32 marks, she said too many grammar de errors… Chemis period, even simple simple questions like structure questions some i cannt answer, knowing tat my memory had degenerate… Lau kui… Bm period oso lau kui…

Some ppl cannt find his Bunny Et n fooled by the gals oso lau kui… He still dunno who took le actually… Cannt see through our cunning acting… Lau kui… Good partner, dude!! Cover me, JN… Lol!! After so long, u all lau kui sia… Haha…

Actually, all I said is truth… U all say I think so much le, wat I need 2 do is juz simplify the thing… Nonono… Ans cuming out le… Maybe tat day, juz like stella said, gt gal frenz or wat… Onli tat day he weird… Remember i took his paper then i said i ask HER then the ans blar blar blar… Nw gt confirmative test le… C, i can foretell the truth… So, next time i dun wan take liao, lau kui…

Charwinth, I will kill u… & one more ppl, c, u r wrong n u hai me liao lo… Wasting 2 much time figure out wat happened... I dun hav time 2 bother such matter le... Guan ta ba... Reli will kill charwinth, fool me around... No time le!! 2moro surgery haiz... I think i wan 2 see hw the doctor cut it, i dun wan close my eyes... If i noe, i will take his paper... Lau kui, diu lian... Studi liao... All start le, i still relaxing... Doom le...
Actually, i'm very keen to know the truth... Y tat day he talk 2 me... Is it reli wan 2 b frenz with me? Nw?? Wat is the truth n wat is in his mind?? Then nw tat msg indicates wat?? Fooling me very nice a?? Zero, i wonder if u could ask him, dun say i ask, if he asked =, u say u noe from charwinth... Y tat day he talk 2 me?? Is it reli wan 2 b frenz with me mie?? Final possible answer, he was possessed by V.S. tat day... Ft find a witch doctor 2 cure... I dun wan chyun 2 ask coz he is at his side... C first lox... Definitely cannt let him noe i ask de

OMG!! 佳伟竟然跟我讲话!! (Final Answer)

好吧, 当作没事, 重新做朋友吧! Yeah!! 我有新朋友咯!! 哈哈!! 不用想他是真是假, 机会来了就把握!
Is tis really true?? I still cannt believe… Charwinth, u sure tat tis is not play play?? Reli true?? Or u rasuah Chia Woei?? U two betting 4 something and then he lost then the ‘prize’ is talking 2 me?? Suddenly, he talked 2 me… I was juz in daze!!! Is it dream?? My mouth open as big as I could… Till now, I still wondering… Is it true?? Who can punch me or ‘aluba’ me (jk only) 2 make sure tat tis is true??

Till now, oredi 8 months… Suddenly, I reli dunno wan 2 talk wat… I still scare, shy, n confused… Scare 2 talk, totally dunno wat 2 do, talk… While tt tcher is teaching Logic Gate, I still wondering & almost cant catch up, hav 2 copy Charwinth’s paper, very lau kui lo… Tcher even ask me why so slow de 2day?? ==’’

是真的吗?? Is it true or juz play play, Charwinth?? 心里还是战战兢兢, 但是是很开心也很不可思议… 完全想不到… 龚老师的生日竟然奇迹般地发生这种事情… 现在很乱很乱, 不懂要怎样… 要Sms 讲一下咩?? Ps lox… 等下不是完全和好, 这真的是真的吗?? Who can tell me & confirm with me??

2day oso Mr. Kiing de birthday... Somehow or rather it was warm n touching coz he is indeed our gud gud gud tcher... We will never forget him... Actually the mask is cute n from monday, we will need 2 wear topeng too... Eeink's birthday is b4 Mr. Kiing... Maybe tat shirt not ngam u but u can wear it when u attend wedding party or wat de ma... U wear la, we wan 2 see the... Ya lo... No taking photo with Mr. Kiing, ur fault lox... Cannt blame anyone... I ask u 2 cum yet u hesitate n wait n wondering n lau kui-ing... See, no chance le lox... Lastly, Hapi Birthday 2 Eeink n Mr. Kiing

Gomen ne

真的, 真的, 除了对不起, 还是对不起… 请你们原谅我的口不遮拦,乱七八糟的话… 我真的真的很三八… 真的不是你的错, 如果我没有讲就没有发生了… 太三八了, 太鸡渣了,太不分青红皂白就酱… 我不想破坏我们一整group的友情, 相信我, 至少最少维持到毕业… 知道的真的真的请不要讲, 求求你们, 就几个而已(真的后果会很严重, 我不想再来)… 我真心忏悔…

真的真的… 不要哭, 下次我一定会斟酌… 心情沉重… 我也没有想到会变成酱… 就算我自私自利好了, 知情人千万不要讲, 酱的话, 会有更多人离我而去… 拜托拜托… 写这个帖纯粹是为了向某人道歉… 我听了真的很心痛, 弄到酱多人, 弄到酱尴尬… 全部是因为我的嘴巴… 不想破坏我们的友情… Gomen ne... 我知道很多人在看, 我有分寸, 我没有要宣传报道这事, 只是想道歉...

不懂做么那种感觉又回来了… 很讨厌的勒… 觉得自己很讨人厌, 很不配有你们这些朋友, 好像攀不起, 听了不要生气, 因为有点自卑, 还是觉得高攀不到, 你们真的真的太好了, 真的真的是很好的一群朋友… 我觉得配不上你们啦, 我并没有你们酱善良酱好酱单纯, 可能是坏人还是什么… 还是觉得参了又有点让你们吃亏, 因为我并不是一名好友…

对与我每次SMS 烦的, 乱线东西是我的长处, MSN 烦的人, 讲话烦的人, 真的真的除了对不起, 我没有话说了… 我是很多废话要讲, I’m sorry, 我会注意的… 但是江山易改,本性难移, 也只有你们才能包容我, 可是控制不了我自己, 对你们感到愧疚… 我知道我很烦很讨厌很鸡婆三八, 也会有人会看我不顺眼, 也有些一看就不爽我, 我ok 的…

快乐可以很简单, 但快乐也是来得快去得快, 不知道… 很讨厌我自己… 不是因为那件事, ok? 这是本身的问题, 不知道啊!! 很感激你们把我当朋友, 但我有自知之明, 我是从地狱来, 而你们是从天堂来的, 你们的好我永远记住, 真的真的对不起, 也真的真的谢谢你们… (如果真的生气, 很抱歉, 你们真的真的太好了, 觉得对你们有亏欠)… 乱… 不敢面对你们… T.T

是时候觉醒!! 变身再来个究级超进化!!

K-ON! de Mio-Chan

最近,大家都好象变乖了…全部带参考书来做.来读…连我看到都不会做,全部讲的东东都听不懂,插不进的… Haiz… 太堕落的后果… 完蛋了,再不读,就跟不上了…真的很勤劳, 不是Add.math then physics, bio, maths, and many many more… Even KS studi Sejarah le, then wat about me?? 没有贬低人的意思, 只是用了对比的手法…Bought eeink de present, dunno she dare 2 wear or nt... very very 有女人味的哦... Ks, Wen Xin, Jiat Chii n I choose de... But of course sure is nice de...

今天, 我们 “情绪最稳定”的老师突然发狂… 神经起来… Add. Maths 老师是酱的吗?? Even En. Azri 以前也是酱… 诅咒人哦… 当医生的话, 你一定会医死人; 当工程师,建筑物一定会倒… =_=”” 最后站在椅子上咯… 可笑… 酱大了还站椅子.. 不懂他每天在做么… 读书?? 看不出咯… 结果比Aziq还… 还是不要讲… 突然很怕啊!!! 要觉醒咯!! 找回以前那个比较勤劳的自己…

很好笑咯… 男女分开坐的食堂… 有用吗?? 还不是可以的… 忘记谁讲的了… 好象是Zero, 世界上最遥远的距离是他/她就在眼前, 但又不能摸到, 抱到, Kiss 到 blar blar blar… 然后又和某人一起三八上演一段戏, haiz… >.<”” 不过, 有一个爱到不敢冒险的ppl, 不要脸地又讲: 没有任何距离了, Stella 把我永远放在她心里了… Walau!!! 超恶心,超搞胃的咯!!! 拜托啦, 全班都Pek cek 了咯… 打情骂悄到全世界只有他们两人… 我没有讲到你啊, Stella… 再看我们那个词穷的”Lau Kui” King还会讲虾米…. 不过也很好啦, 带给大家欢笑和话题可以聊… 不懂哦…