The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white white clouds tat drifted lazily in the gentle breeze... Juz like me... Early in morning, waiting alone juz 2 take my slip... Walking lazily n juz saw 2 or 3 de kittens... (小猫两三只)...
Wen Xin is very proud 2 b the first chinese 2 cum ba.. Lance so obedient n quiet as usual... Out of our expectation, Ks was very quiet in class, but very noisy in home... (Original text:"他在学校像老鼠一样静,在家就很吵了... =.="") I n Jijini guffawed loudly until Pn. V looked at us... Dun angry a, Ks. We r nt saying tat u r nt good, but the fact ur mum dunno... XD However, u r sure a filial son in the house... Jijini also showed her true colour oredi wat?
Ste. la^5. lia, feared tat her mum noe she plays the com. everyday, but of course our tcher will tells our parent all the good things onli... However, wat she said reli nt suited 4 me...
Hardworking, very good, n so on... U all noe tat all the good qualities she said can nvr be found in our personality... Behind the mask... She said i m very kind????!!!!! With a very PURE heart... ><>
We even talked about love matter... (Hern n C....), Pn. V adviced me 2 date during university coz gals there are nicer... So, parent's advice + tcher's advice = Dating during university time s better...
Too coincident... N have done rude thing 2day... We must respect elders but i hav done the opposite one... Tat's called reflex arc!!!! Nt reli my intention... Ppl who noe dun say ba... Tat's truly called REFLEX ARC...