Finally, my mum grants my wish, dun hav 2 go 4 Bm tt... First time stay at home during afternoon on Saturday... Recently, I become lazier n lazier n lazier… U all influence me de lo… Staying at home, yet, cannt play or sleep… T.T My favourite song, Don’t Say “Lazy”, by Yoko Hikasa, ranking still 2nd or 3rd place among thousands of songs… My judgement is the best. Can foretell st u dunno… Better than those who choose Confusion is better… Lol… Altough I juz junior, but better than u two, Lau Kui Seniors… Lvl high oso no use… One oredi Lvl 80 de banana man and juz a beginner de banana gal (nt jinx coz jinx is for Miss. S de… Couple ma… XD)
Friday, a weird day, only on this day we wil talk. Onli this day… Our tt tcher reli funny… He asked us, Do u noe why Penang ppl meets Penang ppl everytime ll b very noisy like our class??? U see, when Johorean go KL, they hav nothing 2 proud of, NT CS or JUSCO coz there gt Piramid… Is Singapore… But when Penang ppl meets Penang ppl,
“U noe the laksa stall under the bridge rite??? Vry delicious!!”
“Yayaya, I noe.. U gt eat te prawn noodles n Satay near the shopping centre there rite?? Very tasty! U gt go 2 the Snake temple there rite?? Blar blar blar…”
=.=”” Non-stop talking… WE all laugh.. 2 ppl ll do, to burst one taxi… We no nid talk oso can… 2 Penang strangers when put 2gether they ll b become frenz… Lol…
In a nutshell, 2 long-lost “frenz” dun hav much topic 2 talk… Even he still gt talk 2 me, yet, I dunno wat 2 talk 2 him, awkward… So, Charwinth, dun do any silly and make fun on us… Though he wan 2 talk 2 me, emm… I think I still cannt coz my social skill nt good… Later fight again, Hahaha… I still nt dare 2 turn behind coz I still afraid of him.. So, do u understand, Char.??
9 years ago