Everyone has their own path, own road, own destiny, own difficulties. It’s undeniable that we leave for a promising future, for glorious achievement, for somehow for parents’ sake. Filial, invincible reason. There’s nothing eternal and long-lasting. Everything’ll fades. Even if now you were not bear to leave, yet, each decision links to another unpredictable situation. Well, what can we do?
Time is the best remedy, oldies saying. People u’ll meet, Group tat u’ll join, Environment u’ll be in, Wat happens now will just become parts of ur memory. Cannnt be so greedy & hope for immortality. Human, juz a poor actor, try to do their best in his own drama, watched by God, everything is nothing. I think what I can do now is juz enjoy every moment of life. However, I’m too rigid.
Ah~~~ I wish that I can play more. Btw, everyone is just a passer-by in everyone’s life. Although is too negative thinking, yet, don’t cha think it’s a fact too?