Have a fight with someone. Haiz. SO unreasonable. Cannt tahan. Dun bother liao. Received Petronas's invitation but still wondering wan go or not. Damn far. Studi petroleum huh, quite interesting actually, but... Better dun say here =3=
Next friday, result of Matrik, B4 i still feel very eager to go there, but now sumhow, i dun feel lyk going. Reli dun wan go, I dun wan get, Getting matrik is juz lyk won in the lottery. Totally dun wan, pray 4 me... Wat if God's will, should I go? Wat about my NUS? If this is predestined, should surrender again? T.T
These days, quite crazy for COSPLAY, after watched my fatal frame MV, I <3 JAPAN! COSPLAY! ACtually i still wonder which character should becum when I in JP ><
Most probably after I fin studi in NUS~~ A charac suddenly appears in my mind, Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji) ><

Perfect costume, so high class man~~~ XD

Alexiel from Angel Sanctuary - I luv tis, Exactly the angel from heaven ><

Arthas from World Of Warcraft - Sometimes I wonder is this human or game charac??? @.# Extremely lyk pop-out from comp ><

Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach - Too bad, This Ichigo nt so nice... T.T

Kakashi from Naruto - Cool!!! Assassin look ><

Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII - Nice angle of shooting, They r all so pro~~~

Tifa from Final Fantasy Advent Children - Her skin so fair, I <3 her facial expression ><

Ulquiorra from Bleach - So emo~~~~~ T.T

Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII - So cool & handsome...
Lazy type oredi, in a nutshell, I <3 COSPLAY, COSPLAY <3 Me... Jk onli XD