Very happy tat tis game has finished.Very nice!Should try!I bought 2 discs coz gt ring problem, finally,with Lance's disc i managed 2 finish. XD thx la

Tis is the most recommended game and nw gt season 4 in Wii... T.T Dare 2 try?? Find Season 2 for me...
Anyway, if my Ar Tonelico 2 dun hav the “holy light” ring, I think I can catch up some ppl de progress. Sure. Nw my tales of Abyss oredi 12 hours playing, A.T. I played 2 versions each oredi 8 hours plus, plus I played other games, haiz, why I so 衰, everytime like tis.. == Anyway, quite hapi during the steamboat “party” at Kai Xin’s house. Someone drive car wor… Then, at nite, dunno tat 2 ppl went 2 buy the 香槟… Hehehe

Emm...I hav 2 admit tat my judgement is "correct", yet, tis is a very good RPG game with great hits OR "the BEST" in the world, in their own language, HYMMNOS.I get addicted 2 tis and if the disc malfunction,i sure continue... >

Although tat tis is creepy game tat i always scared by their sound effect and their creepy animation,yet, is toooo hard 2 play.U noe wat i ll hav 2 remember the pattern of 八卦阵and even all kinds of talisman, too real, dunno hw 2 play le.

After playing 4 about 12 hours, nt bad la.Nw I wan 2 see the anime le.Like very nice.Tales of Abyss who gt??

Tis is a WORST RPG game i hav ever seen.Can u imagine tat the ppl in white cloth above is actually a MAN??? OMG!! Tis game d character totally like no gender, Galish and their moves, their clothes, cannt than, wan 2 throw, played 4 10mins, OFF!! Lame!! Wat the FXXX!!!!!!
2nite went 2 my aunt house, still the same look. WAT the… Still LUAN LUAN LUAN!!!! Playing with my cousin, primary skulz, hav 2 act innocent, oh, no nid, I oredi innocent… Playing those KUNGFU PANDA cards with attacks over 1000++ and attractive images… ==”” Let her win ba… Cannt bully her de, she is very happy coz she won in every game. She even asked me 2 cum next time, although I promised her, yet, is difficult. Innocent child lives in her own world. My aunt looks older again, working in Singapore, yet her husband still the same, still young n fat.
He nw driving Toyota Camry, n tis car is X his. Is his boos let him drive. Boss?? I still dunno. Nt only that car yet another Honda de jeep. He is nt tat rich, in his house gt a uncle, his frenz. “大姐夫”, plz dun do any illegal business. I think nw he is a bookie. My aunt’s life so hard, even though they r rich once, owned the restaurant in JB, a reli big one, maybe ur parent came b4 yet, with a gambler husband, life is miserable. Nw I worry about my cousin. She even take all the Tiger Beer n cigarettes n giv 2 his father. I scare those uncle uncle, who are HIS frenz will do something bad on her. God, plz bless Zhen and protect her from any harm.
I reli dun lyk 2 cheat ppl. I feel like I dun wan 2 talk and act like vey familiar with some ppl. I dun wan 2 act. Even the situation has changed yet I oredi dun wan. Wearing a mask, hiding my own feelings, answer with a insincere smile on face, actually disobey my wills. When I oredi dun wan or the time limit had oredi reached, I will nt wan tat thing anymore. 期限一到,没有就没有,也不想要了,人的想法,需求,期望,欲望等都会一换再换。Too many things… Somehow I dunno wat 2 do. Confusing…. Confusing… U noe wat. These day, I always dream tat I’m dead. With all kinds of ways, being stabbed and even dreamt tat a knife pierced through my neck. I dunno these gt any connections with other things. Or my time has come….. Scare? No.