Ready for your next station in life?


可悲啊!可悲啊!我竟然成为要破坏一对恋人的 “”第三者”” !!面对他们,我觉得有点亏欠…怎么办?? 真的不知道要帮那个男的还是怎样…人家的感情我不想插手,为何我要酱三八??!! 介入人家的感情问题?? 等下如果帮了,他有反悔,我不就成了千古罪人了吗??

我真的不敢相信自己, 我真的可以预言!! 他果然不出所料是被倒追的… 不方便偷漏酱多… 帮与不帮之间, 再看吧!! 想分手就分??? 既然如此, 酱她追你时, 你还要酱?? 兴趣完全不同, 没有话题, 人家情场高手, 你才第一次, 全部是她讲的… =-=””

还在挖出他的真心话, 就快达到目的了… 加油!! 不想劝离, 但你们真的不适合在一起, 相信我, 这种玩玩的爱不是爱, 玩了也不会有幸福的感觉… 不要因为她寂寞而找到你, 而你也就随便接受… 让我再想想, 更好的办法, 但希望你不是等下被抛弃的那个…

今天第一次看到Stella-san 穿短袖哦!! 虽不知她每次不穿的理由, 但有时换换衣着的搭配也不错啊!! 爱你的KS 现在很生气, 要丢银幕的了!! 他不懂几想看, 可是有看不到… 哈哈哈!!! 对吧??? 不要等下拜一打我勒!!! 看不到就不爽了… 我没说错啊, 看!! 等下他会默认的… 今天, 证实了, 可能失去了我从小学最好的朋友, 没有话要讲, 陌生人了… 或许你说得对, 是我没睬他, 他也就没睬我吧…

现列出最新的名单::::: 敬请留意!!!

1) Nerdy Noob Lance (pronoun as lan xi) Woo Ks. BHP "Lau Kui" King
2) Sofia Stella-lia Tay Xin Ying whom Woo KS love & vice versa
3) Maria-sama Vivilia Koh Ci AI
4) Alien "Mohammad" Ng Sau Chyun. Se Chyun

For me, coz tat name is so lame, i dun wan type… So long until dunno hw oredi... >.<
Ks told me... My name is
Yellow Sebastian. Awang Vessalius @ shadowzeik Owen Low
Very very lame n very very lau kui rite??? Stupid...



其实每个人都拿着那个号码,排着队...还不知道吗?? Noob n So @lau kui@... =_=

答案:死亡... 你猜对了吗?? 不知道自己手上所握的号码,(或许有些人知道几时会被Sirigami带走),我真的好厉害哦!! 好有哲学家的头脑... XD

Chyun, 你最好小心点, 你的母亲大人问我今天你几点放学, 有没有Tugas, 几点完那些了, 我看她是来真的了,小心吧!! U called so many times looking 4 u... Where r u!! 我完全没有讲到dating那些东西,我没有必要害你,自己解决问题吧!!


Does Vessalius sound very strange, weird, nt nice mie?? Giv me ur opinions... Vessalius quite nice wat?? Nt mie?? Must be different from u all n special de ma... Lame a?? "Lau Kui" a?? Vessalius is the family name of tat male character in Pandora Hearts... Giv me some comments.. Thx la


Time flew past unexpectedly hasty, yet sometimes crawled, extraordinary sluggishly. Don cha’ agree?一路下来,8月了过后就SPM了...SPM后就毕业了...各奔东西,南北,东北,东南,西南,西北...但,还是在地球的表面吧? (废话) 到时候,人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风

5年后,10年后,30年后的我们会是怎样的呢??世事无常,我们之间真挚的友谊( Finally can use n copy tis word liao, XD)相信也可能DC掉,敢问谁家的两老和中学的朋友有联络的呢??现实,事实,cannt be denied.
Based on Zero’s Beauty series, 我从最electrobeautiful 的美女start起啦! Professor Stella看就懂是Professor, 出国的料,女强人,UV美白护肤品的代言人(被hui kee讲变美wor =_=””),整天”暗恋"人的Stella-san… Vivilia or Maria 一定会结婚的, 跟金贤重(才怪!!) n maybe the first gal 2 marry in our class… Jijini, 高级会计师,富都大酒家的GM, 很多干哥, 不!是很多追求者,喜欢喝"男人汤"的千金小姐哦!!

Wen Xin 大淑女,出门要化装的,厉害打扮的,以后嫁入豪门,当富太太,日本发展,专辑大卖,等下大美女不认识我们了…T.T Hui kee 大姐大,小阿姨,可能…有当熟女OR maybe @aunty@ 的潜质哦…靖靖摇身一变,山栽版的宥熙,many suitors automatically 送上门!欣婷验光师有可能之后成为典型的housewife but nt desperate housewife… >.<””

Lance-sama 爱到不敢冒险挂嘴边,30岁可能地中海危机,"可爱"路线没着落,还有他们落花有意,流水无情(teach malay 4 free: bagai bertempuk sebelah tangan oso hav tis meaning—没有回报的爱)or vise versa… 电不到小妹妹,又还很childish de pattern, "爹爹"的样子,放心,他可以找Julia还来得及…KS,年龄不是问题,身高可以的啦…Remember, Love is no envy, 心中有Love就可以了!!(送回给你!)If I oso 秃头的话,到时候一起去云南,2 ppl maybe gt discount!! Tat time, even 老处女也会暗恋你了!Lol… XD

Zero 的钱途一片光明,looks like playboy but indeed a serious, loyal 的好男人来的…帅哥第一名(广告费RM500),又高,又厉害,又会Sport, 又会music, 又会Gaming, 又会Chess,又会 Writing, 又会Calculating, 又爱”回家",indeed a perfect man wor…十全十美.(拿人钱财,帮忙打广告咯!)

Chyun… 现在吃多一点猪肉,肉松,肉干,猪肉丸啦!!酱好吃!!吃完才去啦!!割掉应该不痛啦…科技医学酱发达,有麻醉的瓜,如果断掉去接回咯!哈哈!!跟"陈灌赛"买花粉, 会长回的勒!!Sori, 18SX… Jk only ma… XP 太好了!多了个马来朋友!!(B4 go 2 PLKN, oso eat!!)

OMG!!!! 想太远太远太远太远了…回来吧!!SPM还没考呢!!以上仅供参考,如有冒犯失言,尽情原谅…哇!!我太天才,太聪明了!!可以想酱远…没办法,事实就是事实… XP

梦想与现实之间的抉择 (nt more edit)

Haiz... I m nt saying tat or looking down on animation de job... So sad... So mani ppl looking down on animator... Even the pricipal says animator is the "lau kui" de job... I reli wan 2 b an animator or game designer... However, in tis lame negara, wat can i do after i learnt all these things?? I reli reli wan 2 b cum wat i wan 2 b... However, money is more vital rite?? Without money i cannt do anything… Even my parent said tat i can studi a better course but y i wan 2 choose tis “lau kui” de job?? They dun wan me 2 studi tat animation n in tis lame negara, i cannt find a animator job n there s no market 4 me… They even said tat my drawing is very very “lan” n although is true i reli wan 2 pursuit my dream…

I reli wan 2 b cum i wat i reli wan 2 b… Y i m the eldest?? I reli wan 2 bro or sis… Tat’s y i cannt b so selfish… Still hav little bro n sis… If i insist 2 foolow my heart’s desire, doom… No money n yet h r they goin’ 2 studi?? The only thing i can do is 2 cheat myself tat animator is a very “lau kui” de job… Nt 2 think about it… I reli wan 2 go 2 Japan, Sakura’s country 2 studi animation… After i b cum dentist or doin’ work in pharmacy, i can earn many money… I wan 2 earn money in a very very short time… I feared tat after i earn enough money, i m old oredi… Reli… Nonono, I can earn money in a short time… Yet, i feared tat i will b cum a new me…

As i m known as Jigoku Master, I think tat maybe (i oso scare) i will bow 2 Devil butlers, Sebastian, n my fate will juz like Jigoku Shoujo, in the hell all the time, B cm a fallen angel, tat means i will open tat Pandora’s Box, n release all the evil spirits… Hopefully, i can meet Index, hope she can purify me… Vampire knight can stand beside me n protect me… Lol!!! I only can say tat animation will hav a very standard after a long time… Watch n see… I reli wan 2 go Japan!!! Actually, i m a weirdo… Reli, seriously, i wan 2 try Cosplay n doin’ all tat weird stuff… Coz some ppl juz like looking down on tis n discriminate tis sacred activities, so i cannt say tis out loud… My dad noe le, he said dun waste money… T.T Wait lox… When i hav money… Regarding tat surgery, i postphone le, coz still hav mani unfinished business 2 deal with… cannt abandon my team mates… Haiz…

Gomen ne, Maria-sama n Ottosan, break my promise on our company of anime, animation, computer, games n movie production… >.<”” Hopefully can open tat company… then later only i join as a boss, giving money… Hahaha… Maybe JK only… See, i noe tat i m a ver very good, innocent, obedient, kind , pure soul de ppl… U all so lucky 2 hav me as frenz… Lol… XD Remember me like tis status, coz i afraid i reliwill b cum another me… Dark side… Sori if reli like tat but dun push away me yet try 2 pull me back bah…

** Awang reli a very very “lau kui” de name!!! Nt suitable 4 me la… Plz la… So lame… I giv u lox… ><

(到最后,可能的还是赚钱再说吧.Animation still will studi but nt after SPM.I will proove tat Animation de job is tat kind of "Lau Kui" n in tis lame land cannt earn so much money, so i decided 2 earn money first then go overseas n studi, later go work at there. Tis is my conclusion. Thx, Stella la...) Very beautiful de anime gal, next time i will design it!! Lol... XD

看到Stella's blog, 有点吓到... =="" 不懂是我Kopi她还是她Kopi我... 是咯, 听了Omega校长的解说, (不用说了, Stella写了), 一回到家, 跟爸爸妈妈讲清楚了, 死都不要去STPM, SINGAPORE... 只要去A level onli... 不懂他是吹牛还是真的, 希望不是老王卖瓜, 自卖自夸...

想了想... 做Professional的人,放弃我的理想, 有钱了再去追求吧... Start from medicine then dentist, architecture, pharmacy......... 不敢动手术, 所以选了当dentist or pharmacy de job...钱始终是重要的, 有了钱, 以后再追求理想也不迟啊... 没想到, animation 是酱"lau kui"的等级的工作...

完全没有想到跟Stella 一样, 我是被Status n Professional level n Money 所吸引(竟然把灵魂卖给了金钱和地位...我也不想的...希望我不会太堕落T.T)... 你们想了吗???

还有还有, 相信大家都懂了... Charwinth n Sonia... Reli feel hapi 4 him... 他是我印度朋友里最好的...女的比较厉害讲话, 比较大胆, 当电灯炮所看到听到的... 哈哈... 我的"男人" 被"抢"了... Wen Xin u wan me 2 find a gal wor... Lol... Maybe next time >o<""

出乎意料... *o* ~~~ 华丽的赞赏

Quite surprise on tat news tat 2moro gempur sejarah... If every ppl said no nid read, then they r cheating... There is no possibilities tat u will not read a single page n prepare 2 die on 2moro... I dn think so... Said 1,2,3!!! Faint... Lol... U r dare 2 try or not first???

Begging ur granny, Pn. Suzana... Very nice plot... I like it!!! All ppl in Berlian r very gud, professional actor n actress... Some couple dating in class... 所以说同班的好处就是酱... juz like some 没名份的 couple... XD (jk onli)

Wawawa, quite surprised n cannot believe the evidence in front of my eyes... *o* !!! Physics presentation i think we can do it better than Pretibha bah... Our so interesting n very very nice!!! 多亏了me n vivilia or named Maria 的帮忙... 抢功劳哦... >.<""

I think they all will lol n very very happy when they saw the 2nd slide!!! Well done on ur crazy idea... =_='' Overall, bravo la... Stay up 2 3am but the result is very very shocking n 不要暗爽... we r not praising u... So proud 2 hav our presentation done...

However... I was fired... T.T Stella, i join ur group a~~~~ So sad... They kicked me out coz they jealous my 过人的天份... Lol... even a paper rose also cannt finish... Mine better than u all e... Hahaha... Of course la... Even professorsssssssss in our class oso lose 2 me...

Stay tuned... Physics presntation... But i reli scared tat i will nt cum on tat day... Then my group members will leave me alone n place in tat forbidden city with evil n darkness... My ""Group"" so pure de... But except leader... 变到很黄哦... 把持不住hor?? Seduced by Zero... Ern can b the witness!!! Wtf... Tat sound... N hahaha~~~~~~~ 直接一句,"要我脱完衣吗??" Sexy wor... Stella must be very vey excited n "性" 奋wor... (jk onli) Y i oso 变的有一点点点点点点点黄啊?? ==""
++ One more thing...Help me 2 think coz i wan a english name... All ppl gt le except me... Post comment a~~~ Think carefully a... Thx la


Go 4 a minor surgery... Uncontrolled mitosis can lead 2 mutation and even cancer... T.T

So, when i absent, plz take my paper n note down the hw... Ottosan, paper u keep in ur "perfect" file bah... Must take a... 4 more info, ask zero... He noe a little le... Maybe few days or wat...

Zero, help me 2 tell Shasha i in ward n nt coming... Scared the result coming out... Pray 4 me bah... Lol... XD

**Dun miss me a... =_=''

Acknowledgement 郑重声明

T.T Haiz... Dun b perasan on wat i wrote... Juz like wat i said... is nt from our skulz... i din say s u make me feeling sad n emo 2day... Really s a ppl from another skulz... Plus i m emo. since yesterday nite, nt 2day morning onli... No the matter u talked 2day i angry... Nt the conversation u all talked during pingpong... Dun scare me hor... Suddenly talk like tat... Dun wan talk 2 me a?? U try lox... =_=''


或许昨天不应该on9…或许昨天不应该修理…酱我就不会看到那些话…太伤人了!!哪里可以酱讲!!如果一定要讲到人家的刺, 你才开心, 我只会不屑你这种人的存在! 麻木了怎样讲随便你吧…

突然之间,变得sentimental掉… 可能雷达的frequency和wavelength一样,我成功地招蜂引蝶…(coz i’m a melancholic ppl ma…) 都是断了翅膀的蝴蝶…(放心,不是讲你…真的…上次没回你是电话没钱)但是,haiz… =_=””

家族遗传个put!!! “I oso hav such exp..” “Me too!!” blar blar blar… 重复了再重复.. 半年了,没事了, 真的没事了.半功倍我的预言成真了… 没当magician and wizard真是魔法界的损失啊!! XD 空气=空气..从暗色的iodine gas 现已成了无色,无味, 透明的CO2 gas. Once reach 空の境界, a brand new self is formed. Imagine… The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the clear, blue shy. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations.

Anyway, thx 2 tat ppl, I b cum a new me. Wawawa… 原来我有很多很多朋友.. 非常丰常satisfied with current のamigos, 也非常地enjoy现在的朋友.. 以前的scope太小了, 跳出筐筐,原来unlimited sky still waiting for me to reveal its true, heavenly paradise… Y every ppl likes 2 say i m ignorant, innocent, 幼稚勒?? (可能性, probability 0.8 ==) 现在我已经长大了…

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” [The life of reason, Volume 1:1905] from George Santayana…又不是第一次了, 就当是教训咯! Exp 100000000000. Xp So, u cannt defeat me using such a small matter .. Better “ brush” ur tongue using Clorox or I help u to bleach it. Dun be so arrogant, and haughty although u r born with a silver spoon in ur mouth!! My patience is exhausted & I am at the end of my tether! 算了, 要怎样讲随便你吧, there is no nid 4 me 2 explain on such negligible matter… U live in KL still bother here de things 4 wat?! Another famous skulz de student very 了不起咩?? 乱诽谤很厉害hor?? (不是讲你们, my dear frenz)

今天在学校比较emo 了… 是啦是啦… 我来哪个啦… 不够用跟你借啦… =.=” 你说得对啦… 我是recessive de… 多余的… tis one i reli noe.. trust me… 不用说的, 不是生气, 我知道该怎样做的, 我真的好小气哦…

***不要乱猜… (nt from our alma mater & current skulz de)


就在今天, 良辰吉日, 2009年7月14日, 星期二, 闰五月二十二, 一对倍受瞩目, 倍受看好的暧昧不明的”男女”, 终于松口”承认”了他们的关系….. =p

时间: 历史节 (亲爱的老师没来)
人物: 我新的Otosan (i noe spell wrongly)
他的新干女佣, Sofia ( Her name also start from S….)

又在开派队但因为化学常识的关系, 变得比较冷清… 说着说着, 我们班最不帅的男生, Zero先生, 又来玩人头碰碰车的游戏, 不清楚我们男主角的初吻是否还在, Zero先生推得太用力, 角度不知是perfect angle or wat…可能发生… 我的新爸爸有在暗爽哦… XD (谢谢你的一块.)

越说越起劲, 我们都认为他和她很相配, 叫他们交往一个月看看… 一个月的试用期可是会发生许许多多的事哦… 他们如果在一起,真的就是我们说的金童玉女了咯… 哈哈哈… 不知不觉我们愿意帮他们筹钱让他们拍拖… 看我们几好… 还会帮他们付他们dating 的钱… 他们真的是前世烧香拜佛做善事太多, 才会遇见我们的… 要bersyukur哦… =_=’’

Suddenly!!!! My master said ok and said the word”我们” 接受你们给的钱咯… 一个月多少啊?? 应该给RM50++, 去CS 买 Couple Seat 看电影, 吃好料… 哈哈哈!!! 承认了哦… 试试看, 可能真的擦出火花, no no no是已经look like couple 了… 讲到等下孩子的奶粉钱Zero 出… 记得!!! Vivilia 说过Ks 很猛, 等下生出来双胞胎, 不!! 三胞胎怎么办??? 到时我们的帅哥,邵勤会帮忙sponsor 的啦!! Opps, sori… 18SX 了… >.<””” 我们班的帅哥美女超多的… 第一名就是Chyun 了… 美女??? Wen Xin, U wan a??? 因为Chyun的一句刺激到恒了,可怜的wen xin无辜受牵连… T.T Stella 乃是我们的美后的吧?? (有人指使, 给我钱才酱讲的… 良心不安… *o*) 最不帅的当然是子恒, 最大众脸的当然是他的女人. JH 啦… (被逼写的) 考试不懂真的是那样吗??? 怕怕!!! 是时候闭关读书了, 看了Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince 再说吧… (上文纯属”虚构”, 如有雷同, 纯属巧合) After Exam, Baru Continue… --The End--


最近比较烦,比较烦,比较烦… 不是因为考试”要”到了… 原来每个人生气起来都是恐怖的, 表面看起来乖乖仔的我生气起来还真是”心狠手辣”的, 最有心计的双面人应该不是我们, no no no, 不是我们; 而是Lance 所敬爱的Stella-san… XD 根据Ef – A Tale of Melodies, (Gomen-ne, 看了满多anime), 每个人都是带着面具, 虚伪的华丽面具, 真实软弱的水晶玻璃面具, 高贵难及但隐藏着人性腐败的炼狱气息, 你有是哪种呢??

其实,其实, 每个人心底都有一股黑暗力量, 看时机而觉醒, 爆发… Pandora’s box 引起种种祸患, 在希腊神话中指内装灾难和祸患的盒子, 被潘多拉私自打开后成了万祸之源… 爆发的程度因人而异, 大家大家, 我没讲是谁啊!!! 自己对号入座… 不懂是上个月, 还是这个月, 我们班最最最最文静, 最最最乖, 最最最正直的乖乖仔, 突然间…. 天昏地暗, 狂雷做响, 天摇地动, 不安的憧憬… 正所谓山雨欲来风满楼, 可能因为我们班最cute, 最多才多艺的印度仔讲了他喜欢打那些飞机, 但又不是很关某人的事, 有人开爆发, 要出必杀技, 可怜了Zero hern, 无辜受罪… Lol… XD

我想在我们班, 我新的otta-san ( i noe i spelled it wrongly), Lance戴的幼稚, 小孩子气, 自恋到… =_=” , 是啦!! 每个女孩子都暗恋你啦… CUTE CUTE(不用暗爽, 拍马屁而已) 的面具… 表面看起来没有Attack力, 但事实上深藏不露的得道高僧哦!!! 隐藏的力量远远超过了想象… Stella-san 戴的是”可爱”, 表面看起来很女强人, 但内心也是很倔强, 不认输, 坚强不屈的面具吧… 我们的Wen Xin 和 欣婷 一看就懂是单纯, 没有杀伤力的小美眉啦!! Jijini wor… 渴望爱情, 但又觉得玩暧昧的感觉很幸福, 但也是名不副实的乖乖女哦!! Hui Kee 大妹子, 我们的大姐大, 永远是带动流行话语的小阿姨… Sau Chyun 啊… 问他的”女人”吧… 子恒啊, 帅啦(开玩笑而已, 不用高兴), SAGAI 但可以娱乐大家, 正在享受爱的甜蜜滋味… 幸福洋溢的面具啦!!! 靖”哥哥” , 出淤”泥”而不染, 最最最独立的现代女性, 隐藏着高雅气息,等待卸下面具的美女… Vivilia…不婚主义者, 但又幻想与金贤重约会, 结婚… 不要酱快讲不会结婚, there is always probability in everything… 她戴的是面纱, 遮住了自己的双眼… Hahaha!!!

最最最后, 我想说的是…我们是全校最最最Relax的中五班吧… 整天partying, kopi-tiam-ing, talking about loving, kissing, 暧昧-ing, suddenly不要暗恋我, 我不会喜欢你的……….. >.<”” 可是…. 有你们这班朋友真的很幸福… 很开心… 5 Berlian万岁万岁万万岁!!!!

Maze 迷宫 (Wat should I do?)

烦呐!!烦呐!!烦呐!! T.T 身处于迷宫之中, 面临许许多多的分叉路... 老实说,在家真的很烦很烦... Dun wanna go home...

Behind the Mask

The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white white clouds tat drifted lazily in the gentle breeze... Juz like me... Early in morning, waiting alone juz 2 take my slip... Walking lazily n juz saw 2 or 3 de kittens... (小猫两三只)...

Wen Xin is very proud 2 b the first chinese 2 cum ba.. Lance so obedient n quiet as usual... Out of our expectation, Ks was very quiet in class, but very noisy in home... (Original text:"他在学校像老鼠一样静,在家就很吵了... =.="") I n Jijini guffawed loudly until Pn. V looked at us... Dun angry a, Ks. We r nt saying tat u r nt good, but the fact ur mum dunno... XD However, u r sure a filial son in the house... Jijini also showed her true colour oredi wat?

Ste. la^5. lia, feared tat her mum noe she plays the com. everyday, but of course our tcher will tells our parent all the good things onli... However, wat she said reli nt suited 4 me...

Hardworking, very good, n so on... U all noe tat all the good qualities she said can nvr be found in our personality... Behind the mask... She said i m very kind????!!!!! With a very PURE heart... ><>

We even talked about love matter... (Hern n C....), Pn. V adviced me 2 date during university coz gals there are nicer... So, parent's advice + tcher's advice = Dating during university time s better...

Too coincident... N have done rude thing 2day... We must respect elders but i hav done the opposite one... Tat's called reflex arc!!!! Nt reli my intention... Ppl who noe dun say ba... Tat's truly called REFLEX ARC...

Temporary Products...

No time write nw... So, s u said i must at least post monething... I made a stupid n irresponsible decision... Temporary onli... =.="" Cum on, Hav some

fighting spirit!!! Chemistry National Quiz... Must try my best n hope tat Lucky Star will always beside me... XD

Unlimited Sky (遠い空を)

Trampling on the remains of a left-behind dream
The whimsical death god stopped and stood

Passing by, it watches me coldly
As if to instigate a foolish sin

It shook and untangled its outstretched hands
Devastating sadness
Overshadows my heart and
Is cruelly repeated over and over

We came to hate even those precious days we can’t return to
What can we do?
As it is we don’t understand the meaning
Of the glory we carried

The sensations that should have been cast away are resurrected
While clad in serenity
We accelerate and hide our irritations

Things like emotions are useless
But our hearts can’t catch up
The fallen angel swooped down on
The scenario of rebellion

Why are you outside the light?

I realizedIf I hadn’t been born as I am,
Would I have been ridiculed?
Within in a selfless love
We don’t know things like solitude

I gazed into the distant sky
That reflected my nostalgia
But no matter how much I wish
I can’t be touched by eternity

I lost to my own darkness
Everyone who can stand is fighting
And carries unfading scars
Devastating sadness
Overshadows my heart and

Is cruelly repeated over and over
The stolen, fleeting light
Connects to the living proof
No matter the fate
I’ll accept it,

And live until the last moment